Course Curriculum

    1. Intro

    1. A. Family Orientation, Watch Together

    2. B. Monkey

    3. C. Elephant

    4. D. Owl

    5. E. Visual Recap On Brain Body Using Diagram

    6. F. Breath Work To Re Connect Body And Mind

    7. G. Anchoring Techniques

    8. H. The Senses Game

    9. I. Fake It Till You Make It Affirmations

    10. J. Transforming Negative Energy Into Positive Energy

    11. K. Massage

    12. L. Super Charge Your Breath For Focus, Energy, Distraction And To Ease Pain

    13. M. Meditation

    1. Parents Bullying

    2. Parents He Said She Said Kindness Solution

    3. Parents Only Sleep

    4. Parents Simple Do's And Do Not's With Teenagers

    1. Thank You

    2. Resources

    1. Intro

About this Course

  • €197,00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content